PlayCo’s Cajun Invasion Week 6: PlayCo’s Fashionista, Social Media, and a Weekend with a Special Tourist

Hello to all, and Happy Wednesday! 

It’s the middle of the week, and I realized that I have left PlayCo’s audience in the dark about last week’s adventures! With no time to waste, here is what you missed on last week’s episode of the Cajun Invasion…

Throughout last week, the focus of PlayCo’s marketing team (i.e. Delena and I) was to get a firmer grasp on each other’s views of various social media strategies. Delena is a major trailblazer as far as producing and PR is concerned, so she and I brainstormed about how to incorporate new social media outlets into PlayCo’s marketing routine. While I can’t reveal PlayCo’s secrets about promotional plans for our upcoming season, I can tell you what I took away from our meetings last week. Every tweet, blog post, or  “Like” should be relevant to the company’s overal objective. PlayCo’s objective, for instance, is to produce and advocate work created around the world. It’s an international focus, so every social media outlet has to advance that somehow. I know you are thinking that that is a no-brainer. While this concept is rather obvious to you marketing mavens out there, my internship with PlayCo has allowed me to expand on this idea and apply it to other organizations I work with. So for anyone who wants to learn how to expand their horizons and use social media as an important means of promotion, theatre companies are a great learning environment for that. Working for non-profits has definitely taught me valuable lessons in identifying every single resource I have and then stretching it to use it effectively and efficiently. 

On a funnier, PlayCo-related note, Patrick (another fabulous intern) and I had a small photo shoot with some of the old costumes from Invasion! that PlayCo donated to The Salvation Army. Check us out! 




On a less career-specific note, my Mom visited this past weekend! She had only been to New York once before, so we had a lot of sites to see. Since I have been here for a couple of months, I gave her an informed tour of NYC, and I showed her the New York Observer building where PlayCo is located. We also went to an awesome steakhouse and an italian place that was a little off the beaten path. While I wanted to take her to some of the less touristy parts of the city, she insisted that we walk around Central Park and visit some shops on fifth avenue. I couldn’t help but think that there were better things to do than shop in this great city. Despite the fact that I dislike shopping, there was one tourist attraction that neither I nor my mom (or any five-year-old) could resist: FAO Schwarz! 



And that’s it for last week’s adventures in NYC! Check back next week for more insight about what it’s like to be a southern intern working in the Big Apple!

{The PlayPaper} Edition #1

{The PlayPaper} Our Newsletter

Edition #1: 2010/11 SEASON WRAP UP


Dear Friends,

 Here’s where we went together this past season:

  • A scruffy New Jersey burger joint, where three teenagers fended for themselves in war-torn suburbia, provoking us to laugh one minute and jump out of our seats the next.
  • A theatre in Tribeca that was taken over as soon as the lights went down by a band of unexpected storytellers riffing on a name – Abulkasem – that blew our minds open to how we see (or are blind to) ourselves and the people around us.
  • The poppy fields, bunkers, NGO offices and snowy mountain passes of Afghanistan, where stories from that country’s complicated history brought insight and feeling to present day headlines.

The plays we produced not only plunged into urgent events and issues of right now, they also played with language and theatrical form. I certainly hope you enjoyed the shows and felt they transported you to somewhere new.

According to American Theatre Magazine, PlayCo is “Word Drunk and World Savvy”. We’re getting ready for 2011-12, and will share all the news about that shortly.  But I can tell you today that we are bringing INVASION! back to kick off the season. Why remount a show (something we’ve never done before) instead of producing a new project? This show started a conversation about how we define ourselves as Americans, and how we perceive others, that needs to continue.  The theatre was alive at every performance last February and March because of the risks the artists and the audiences took together.

The response to the show was really exciting, but many people did not get to see it during its short run.  Small theatre companies like PlayCo rarely get to extend the life of their work. We believe this play is important for our community at this moment and we want more people to see it.  So we’re bringing it back for four more weeks in September at the Flea Theatre, where we will be based next year. If you missed it, come see what all the excitement was about.  If you saw it, come back and bring your friends! PERFORMANCES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 6TH!

Thank you so much for being part of PlayCo’s work and mission.  I wish you a beautiful, fun, revitalizing end of summer. As always, we look forward to seeing you at the theatre.


signatureKate - Brighter and smaller (200)
P.S. Visit our new blog for updates and info on the production process of INVASION! and ‘Like’ our facebook page to get special offers and invitations!



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PlayCo has a brand new look!  Check out our new website:

INVASION! Review Roundup

The reviews have been pouring in for INVASION! and you can check them out below.

Set in an urgently contemporary New York, a slyly entertaining comedy with a sharp political edge.
The New York Times, Critic’s Pick

If you’ve ever wished somebody would write a razor-sharp play anatomizing lazy paranoia about the Middle East – somebody has.
Village Voice

Unfolds with lightning-like rapidity… theatergoers find themselves hooked from the show’s opening moments.

Provocative, daring and often startlingly insightful. It’s one of the best social commentaries in dramatic form of the past few years, and you owe it to yourself to see it as soon as  you can.

A witty satire on immigration and ethnic identity – theatrical and political ideas bounce off each other like pinballs.

A stimulating, challenging, and rewarding ride.

Cast of INVASION! from left to right: Andrew Guilarte, Debargo Sanyal, Bobby Moreno and Francis Benhamou

In the hands of director Erica Schmidt and in the voices and interpretative moments of all four ensemble actors, this play is funny, sad, and thoroughly engaging.
Berkshire Fine Arts

Get your wallet out now. Ask no more questions. Do not hesitate. INVASION! is without a doubt one of the best plays I have seen this entire season.
New York Nearsay

INVASION! is a whip-smart production and a must see.

Once in a very rare while a play captures your utmost attention. INVASION! is the perfect production to wake you from those winter doldrums.

When you’re in the hands of totally confident, committed theatre artists — well, there’s nothing like it. The Play Company finds relatively unknown contemporary international playwrights with something to say. This is one of their best finds yet.
Lighting & Sound America


Playwright Jonas Hassen Khemiri was in town in October to work with us on the new translation of his play INVASION! We held a private reading at LaGuardia Performing Arts Center in Long Island City, where PlayCo is in residence for studio development work this season. Afterwards we celebrated at our October Playdate with members of the cast and PlayCo friends. We snapped a few photos for you below!

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